Day 10 - Grow Where God Plants You
Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. - Acts 8:4 (NIV)
Trophies of Grace at ND Men’s Retreat
I currently work at a very, very dead end job. I clock in every morning, do my work, and clock out every evening. It is the most monotonous, stress filled 40 hours of my week. But I love it. How can I say that? Because about a month after I was hired, I had to go to one of those mandatory trainings workers often dread - you know the kind, where you sit and get told “the secret to happiness” because everyone here knows you’re already bored half to death. Except, during this training, the speaker said something that hit me. “Most of you probably hate your job,” wow, could this lady read the room or what? “But you know what? It’s only 40 hours a week. It probably pays the bills and that’s why you’re here. Find something off the clock that you love, and the week will go by faster. Live for those things that make you feel alive, and the dreariness of your job isn’t so bad.” Around that same time, I stumbled upon today’s verse. Acts 8:4 is not just a documentation of what the early church did, or an example of how the gospel was proclaimed throughout the world, it’s the fulfillment of the Great Commission and of Christ’s words in Acts 1:8. It’s also a reminder for those of us today to always be looking to grow where God plants us. Wherever they went, the early church preached the word. I’ve found that I can get through my work week because I’ve been given a fresh passion for working in my church. I get to “preach the word” where I’m at, and that doesn’t always include preaching. Maybe you love your job. That’s great. But if you’re in a dreary, 9-5 that makes you dread Monday, shift your thinking. Your job is your mission field. Grow there. Find something to do in your church that makes it bearable, and grow fruit in your ministry that will then carry over into your work! You’ll be shocked at how enjoyable you find your Monday-Friday gig after that. It won’t take long before you begin to look forward to Monday, as much as you cherish your Sundays.
Action Point: Look around you while you’re at work today. What can you do to make this place your mission field? Maybe you’re already practicing this - what can you do to challenge yourself even more to grow where you’re planted? Think of something you can do that gives you joy - ask your pastor what ministries you can help in. Above all, pray that God give you a vision for your current job/mission field.
Prayer Suggestion: God, I want to grow where you’ve planted me. I want to be used by You to spread Your word wherever you send me - even if that’s just to my job. Show me new ways to spread your love to those around me, no matter how difficult it may be, You’re there with me. Use me today, Lord. Amen.
- Jeff Williams, ND Men Team