Day 11 - You Do Not Advance Alone
Camp Work Week at Lakewood Park Bible Camp, May 20-23.
So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 2 Kings 6:16 (NASB)
I used to feel like it was just me verses the world. I grew up poor. I wasn’t that talented athletically. I did okay at school, sure, but I had to work hard to do better than a B average. When I went to college, I felt isolated and alone. When my wife and I moved to a major city, we had trouble making close friends. Being alone is a very scary place to be, especially when you believe you can only ever rely on yourself if you want to accomplish anything, to advance at work or in your personal goals. And in this verse today, we see Elisha’s servant feeling greatly outnumbered. He likely thought, “Well, this is it, it’s just me and the prophet verses an army.” Or maybe he panicked and thought, “This is how I die?” But what’s Elisha’s response? “Do not fear!” What brought about this expression of confidence on the part of the prophet? He saw something that his servant missed—the army of God surrounding them. What is interesting is that we do not actually know if Elisha actually saw the army of the Lord, or if he simply knew they would be present. Either way, he knew that God was with him and his servant because God had been with him all along. He knew that whatever happened, God was with them. And what ended up happening? God blinded the Arameans and delivered them to the king of Israel. Through one man, Elisha, an entire battle had been won and it didn’t even need to be fought, because God was in the battle. Know this today, brother, whatever you face, you do not face it alone. You have a God who fights for you, who stands by your side, and if you accept that? Do you trust Him, knowing that whatever the outcome may be, He will still be your God? If so, you can face anything.
Action Point: Identify 3 places in your life you need to trust God in. Whether it’s finances, job security, your marriage, whatever it may be - write those three things down on a piece of paper. Put the paper in your Bible, in your car, on the bathroom mirror, somewhere you’re going to see it every day and remind yourself you’ve given those battles to the Lord.
Prayer Suggestion: God, you are in the midst of my battles. You are in control. Wherever I may be, you are there also. Help me to see you, as Elisha’s servant saw you, chariots aflame and ready to do battle on my behalf. Help me to trust you as Elisha trusted you, and to accept the outcome of the battle, whatever it may be, trusting that You are still the God over this battleground. Amen
- Jeff Williams, ND Men Team