Day 9 - Preach the Word!
I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His Kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. - 2 Timothy 4:1-2 (NASB)
Light for the Lost Supper at Men’s Retreat 2019
Paul is pretty serious in his charge to Timothy. He had helped raise Timothy up as a son in the faith, and he was telling him that he was going to be accountable not just to Paul, but to Christ Jesus for the work he was going to do. Obviously Timothy was a pastor, so when Paul tells him to “preach the word,” many times the temptation is to just brush it off as the pastor’s job to do such a thing. But the fact is, while Timothy would be held even more accountable for doing this, as Christians we are also charged to share our faith. It’s a charge for every person who belongs to Christ. Interesting to note as well, is that being ready “in season and out of season” can either mean to preach the word and stand by it, or to be ready to share it whether it’s convenient for the speaker or the listener. As fathers, as husbands, as men in general, we are to be leaders within our churches. Often that means we may be called upon to reprove, rebuke, exhort. But let’s not forget we are to do this with great patience and instruction. This was all part of Paul’s dying charge to Timothy, and one we can still believe he says to all of us. Don’t take your role as a man in the church lightly - use it, grow in it, and preach the word!
Action Point: Make it a point to do one thing today that will get you to step out of your comfort zone and share your faith. Maybe you aren’t a very vocal person - speak up. Or, maybe you aren’t someone who goes out of their way for your coworkers, step out and help someone. Do something that causes you to be uncomfortable for Jesus today in an effort to preach the word, even if that preaching is done with actions and not words. Especially then.
Prayer Suggestion: Lord, today I commit to being a witness for you. To share my faith and to step up and be the man you’ve called me to be. To not sit idly by and leave the preaching for the preachers, but to share my testimony, to share you with those you’ve called me to love. My work is my mission field, let me shine your light there today! Amen.
- Jeff Williams, ND Men Team