Location: Bismarck Evangel Church
Men’s Retreat 2020 will feature guests Gary Grogan, Becket Cook, Dan Kerstens and comedian/entertainer Bob Stromberg. The theme will be “ID”, with a focus on a man’s identity in Christ. The Man Cave will return featuring hobbies and collectible displays from men across the state. Friday will include a supper option of a Buffalo Wild Wings catered meal at Ramada Inn.
Becket Cook
Gary Grogan
Dan Kersten
Bob Stromberg
The only registration option on the day of the event will be at the door.
Adult: $45 (After Feb 24 - $50)
Student: $22
Supper Ticket: $8
Lodging Block
$90 per night - Ramada Inn - 1400 E Interchange Ave, Bismarck - 701-258-7000
A large block of rooms have been set aside at Ramada Inn. Additional lodging options are available in the area of Evangel Church.
Workshop Schedule
Window #1 - Saturday @ 9:00 am
Navigating in a Sexually Confused Culture w/ Becket Cook - MA
Homegrown Missions w/ NorVal Semchenko - OR
Check Your Mindset w/ Jack Klugh - CR
Coaches Corner w/ Gary Grogan - Room 205
Window #2 - Saturday @ 9:45 am
Q & A w/ Becket Cook - MA
Gangster to Missionary w/ Jordy Nunez - OR
Effective Men’s Discipleship w/ Dan Kersten - CR
Ministry in a Tough Farming Climate w/ Albert Lautenschlager - Room 205
Event Schedule
12:30 pm ~ Doors Open
1:00 pm ~ The Man Cave Opens
3:00 pm ~ Opening Service w/ Becket Cook
5:00 pm ~ Supper Hour
Supper at Ramada Inn (Catered by Buffalo Wild Wings) - Add a ticket ($8) to your event registration, or
Eat on your own
7:00 pm ~ The Main Event w/ Gary Grogan
9:30 pm ~ Comedy & Nachos at The Element w/ Bob Stromberg
9:00 am ~ Workshop Window #1
9:45 am ~ Workshop Window #2
10:30 am ~ Saturday Service w/ Gary Grogan
Noon ~ Event Conclusion
Opens Friday @ 1:00 pm
Features include arcade games and various collectible displays from across the state.