Spiritual DNA
“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”
Human Genome Library
In 1990 the Human Genome Project began with the goal of developing a complete map of all human genes. The project was largely completed within a decade, with 90% of the 3.3 billion base pairs of the human DNA having been mapped out. Long before this team of researched published their findings, God revealed our spiritual DNA, focusing on the courage gene. He revealed that the wicked do not possess this important gene. One author states that sin has an effect on a person "betraying while no one finds fault...condemning while no one accuses.” God says the wicked run when no one is in pursuit. By contrast the righteous have courage in measure that is comparable to that of a lion.
Recently several companies began to advertise their offering of a mail in DNA test in which you can discover your own genetic make-up. Imagine if you were to utilize one such service, to discover that your genetic makeup was very similar to that of LeBron James. Such a discovery would not immediately make you an athletic powerhouse or future member of the NBA Hall of Fame, but it would mean that potential, of which you may have been previously unaware, lives within you.
You may not be aware that you have the courage gene. Perhaps you have been more fearful or timid than courageous. If so, you have been acting out of character. God has hard-wired into your spiritual DNA what you need to rise up and lead your home or lead yourself. Doing what is right in the face of opposition comes natural to you. The challenge is to develop that which exists in you naturally. - L.A.